
Disc Herniation
Disc Herniation
    July 18, 2019
  •  admin

The disk herniation is a disorder of the vertebral column. In disk herniation disorder, the cushioning rubbery disc is damage which is located between the spinal bones or vertebrates. The disc is made up of the two parts, an inner gelatinous softcore, and a tough outer ring. The herniated disc develops when the gelatinous soft core leaks out through the outer ring due to injury or aging. The disk acts as a protector for the bones from the shock and jerks that may be felt during routine activities like walking, lifting, bending and twisting.

Symptoms of disk herniation

Debilitating pain and discomfort: Herniated disc cause pain and discomfort during any movement of the vertebral column. Patient experiences pain due to compression of the nerves in the affected area. Numbness and weakness may also occur in arms and legs.

Reduced movement of the neck: Patients feel pain around the neck because of disc damage in the upper portion. This may cause numbness, weakness, and pain in the neck and the pain may radiate to shoulders.

Sciatica: In this disease, the disc of the lower back gets affected and the patient feels pain in the buttock, lower back, and legs. Sciatica also causes numbness, tingling sensation, and weakness in the genitals.

Sharp pain: The patient feels sharp pain while moving muscles during activities such as coughing and straining. Patients also feel the difficulty in controlling the bowel movement and bladder functions.

If the patient experiences any of the above symptoms, he should book an appointment with Spine Surgeon in Gurgaon for further evaluation.

Diagnosis of disk herniation

Physical exam: The doctor would ask the patients for their symptoms. During the physical exam, the doctor will check the vertebral column. Various preliminary neurological examinations can also be performed.

X-ray: Although X-ray may not help diagnose disc herniation it helps in excluding other causes of pain in the spine. The X-ray helps in excluding spinal pain caused due to infection, tumor and broken bone.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): MRI is one of the most effective diagnostic technique to diagnose disc herniation. The magnetic resonance imaging creates an image of the internal part of the body. The technique is used for confirmation of the location of the herniated disc and for determining the affected nerve.

Myelogram: In this procedure, a dye is administered in the spinal fluid and an X-ray image is taken. That technique is used for measuring the pressure on the spinal cord during the herniated disk.

Computerized tomography: In this technique, the doctor takes X-ray images through different angles and combined them to create a structure of the spinal cord. This helps the neurologist to identify the location of the herniated disc.

Nerve tests: Nerve tests are done for measuring the movement of electrical impulses along with the nerve tissue.

Disc herniation treatment

Medication: Doctor may prescribe medications for reducing pain, inflammation and for relaxing muscles. Drugs prescribed include narcotics, muscles relaxants, and anticonvulsant.

Surgery: Patient needs to undergo surgery when the all conservative treatment fails to provide any relief to the patient with a herniated disc. In this treatment, the surgeon removes the protruding portion of the disk. However, in some cases, they can remove the entire disk and replace it with the artificial disk.

Physical therapy: Physical therapy also helps in relieving the pain of herniated disc. However, physiotherapy should only be done under the guidance of an expert physiotherapist.

About Keyhole Surgery

The keyhole surgery is done under the local anesthetics by making an incision in the back. The keyhole surgery is done with a tube and the special design instruments with high definition cameras and monitors. The size of the incision depends on the complexity and severity of the condition. The procedure helps in reducing pain and improving mobility. The keyhole surgery minimizes the risk of blood loss at the affected site and causes minimal injury in the spinal nerve.

To minimize the risk of complications with keyhole surgery, the patient should approach the best slip disc surgeon in Gurgaon, who should be an expert in performing such surgeries with a high success rate.

Post Surgery

Administering local anesthetic: Patients may administer local anesthetics to minimize the pain after the keyhole surgery.

Cover the incision: After the surgery is completed, a bandage is applied on the incision. Bandage significantly reduces the risk of infection.

Wound care: After 2-3 days of surgery, clean the site of the incision with the soap and warm water and give gentle care.