Slipped Disc

What is Slipped Disc?
The human spine is made of 33 vertebrae. Out of these 33 vertebrae, top 24 vertebrae are separated by 23 intervertebral discs. Discs are made of cartilage and composed of two different and well-defined regions. The inner part is soft and contains a gel-like substance while the outer part is tough and fibrous.
In conditions such as old age and weakness, the disc gets damaged and inner gel leaks outside through tough fibrous part leading to pain, weakness and numbness. This condition is known as a slipped disc. A slipped disc is also known as a herniated disc.
Is Slipped Disc a common condition?
A slipped disc is commonly found in people with age of 35 years to 50 years. With the increase in age, risk of developing slipped disc increases. Males are more affected as compared to females.
Most common area for slip disc occurrence is lower back. In some cases, slip disc may also occur in the upper back and the region of the neck. A slipped disc is one of the most common reasons for lower back pain.
Symptoms of Slipped Disc
- Moderate to severe pain, especially in the lower back region that increases with movement
- Pain radiating from the spinal cord to arms or legs
- Pain in one side of the body
- Numbness and weakness in legs
- The pain intensified after sitting or standing
- Muscular weakness
- Difficulty in bending or straightening the back
If the patient is suffering from the above symptoms, he should consult with the best spine surgeon in Gurgaon.
Causes of Slipped Disc
The most common cause of slipped disc is natural wear and tear leading to disc degeneration. As the person ages, the water content of disc starts reducing and they become stiff. This increases the risk of disc rupturing even with slight strain, twisting or compression.
Back injury, trauma and improper lifting of heavy objects also cause a slipped disc. Risk of slipped disc increases with increased weight, physically demanding occupation, sedentary lifestyle and improper movements.
Diagnosis of Slipped Disc
Physical evaluation: Neurosurgeon may conduct preliminary evaluation through neurological examination. This can be done by checking the reflexes, and muscular activity.
Nerve tests: Nerve conduction studies are performed to evaluate the movement of electrical impulse. Electromyogram may also be used to evaluate the condition.
Imaging techniques: Various imaging techniques such as myelogram, CT scan. MRI and X-ray can be used for comprehensively and accurate diagnosis.
Treatment for Slipped Disc
Depending upon the severity of symptoms, the following treatment options may be advised by neurosurgeon:
Medications: Medications includes oral medicines such as pain relievers and muscle relaxants. Steroidal injections may also be prescribed for immediate relief.
Physiotherapy: When done under the guidance of an expert physiotherapist, physiotherapy provides relief from pain due to slipped disc.
Lifestyle changes:Sufficient hydration, healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and routine exercise reduces the chances of getting slipped disc.
Surgery: When the non-invasive measures fail to provide enough relief, surgery is done to remove the damaged part of the disc. To get the surgery done with utmost accuracy and the precision patient should visit the best slip disc surgeon in Gurgaon.
Dr. Vikas Kathuria is a Neurosurgeon & Spine Surgeon In Gurgaon, Haryana. His expertise in lumbar, slip disc, cervical spine surgery and Spine tumour surgery.