Why Spinal Decompression Surgery Should Be Performed By Best Spinal Surgeon In Gurgaon?
Spinal compression causes pain and restricted movement. The condition is caused when the spinal nerves get compressed. Spinal decompression is a common treatment option in nerve compression. For minimizing the risk during decompression surgery, a spine surgeon in Gurgaon, who have extensive experience in performing decompression surgery should be chosen.
When Spinal Decompression Surgery Is Advised?
Spinal decompression surgery is performed to treat symptoms of the disease such as pain and compression on the nerve root and spinal cord. Some conditions are listed below which requires a spinal decompression surgery.
- Bulging and collapsed disk: Disk is a cushion-like pad which is located between each vertebra. The disk is composed of a hard outer layer of cartilage and is soft at the center. The condition occurs when there is a rupture in the disk. The damaged disk may bulge to compress the nerve.
- Ligamentouslaxity: Ligament is important for stabilization and movement of the body. Without ligaments, the body may not be able to move. The ligamentous laxity occurs when ligaments become too loose. Loose ligament causes difficulty during joint movement. When the ligamentous laxity occurs in the back, nerve decompression surgery may be a treatment option.
- Spinal stenosis: Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the small canal becomes compressed. This canal contains nerve root and the spinal cord. Spinal stenosis causes pain, weakness, and cramping in the spinal cord.
- Spinal injury: A spinal injury can damagethe spinal cord. Damage in the spinal cord cause temporary or permanent changes in its functions. This may result in nerve compression.
What Are The Various Techniques Of Spinal Decompression Surgery?
- Discectomy: Discectomy is a surgical process in which damaged part of a herniated disk is removed. There are several ways available to perform discectomy such as minimally invasive discectomy. This procedure is performed by using a small incision along with a tiny camera to view the internal image.
- Laminotomy and laminectomy: Laminotomy is performed to relieve pressure from a particular part. In this procedure, the doctor will remove a portion of the lamina. Lamina is a small part of bony arches of the spinal cord. During the laminectomy procedure, the lamina is removed to relieve the pressure from the nerve. Through this procedure, the size of the spinal canal is increased and the pressure is reduced.
- Osteophyte removal: In this technique doctor will remove osteophyte. These are the lumps of bones that grow on the spinal bones. Osteophytes causes inflammation and restricts the spinal movement.
- Corpectomy: It is a surgical process in which the neurosurgeon will remove all parts of the damaged vertebra and intervertebral disc. Damage vertebra and intervertebral disk cause compression of spinal nerves and spinal cord.
- Foraminotomy: It is a surgical process. This procedure is performed to relieve pressure form from the spinal cord caused by intervertebral foramina.
What Are The Risks Involved In Spinal Decompression Surgery?
- Blood clots: There is an increased risk of blood clot especially in legs. This condition is known as deep vein thrombosis.
- Infection: In the case of poor post-operative care, the infection may occur at the site of the incision. The patient may prevent or treat this condition by using an antibiotic.
- Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid: Because of the damage in the nerve lining, the cerebrospinal fluid may leak in some patients.
- Nerve injury and paralysis: Nerve injury and paralysis is a rare complication of spinal decompression surgery. The condition may be due to damage to blood vessels or leaking of spinal fluid.
- Facial sores and loss of vision: In some people after spinal decompression surgery, inflammation occurs on the face. In rare condition, red sores also occur on the chin and forehead which may last for several days.
What Is The Recovery Process Of Spinal Decompression Surgery?
- Recovery time: The recovery time after a spinal decompression surgery depends on the type of surgery. Usually, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for 1to 4 days. The patient may return to work 4-6 weeks after surgery.
- Avoid strain and hazardous movement: Avoid strenuous activities for the first few weeks after surgery. Do not attempt to lift heavy objects.
- Take a healthy diet: Take a healthy diet for fast recovery. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and calcium.
- Smoking: Quit smoking during the recovery process for accelerated recovery
What Is The Success Rate Of Spinal Decompression Surgery?
The success rate of spinal decompression surgery depends on the type of treatment performed. Type of decompression technique also affects the success rate. The success rate of decompressive laminectomy is 70.8% for lumbar stenosis while it is 63.6% for lateral recess stenosis. The success rate of decompressive laminectomy is 66.6% for a herniated lumbar disc.