Types Of Brain Tumors
A brain tumor is also known as an intracranial tumor. A brain tumor may be benign or malignant. Benign tumors do not have the potential to metastasize, yet they may affect the functioning of the brain.
Read MoreNeurosurgery
Neurological problems in India are linked with various taboos because of the low level of knowledge about these life-threatening conditions. According to an estimate, more than 30 million people in India suffer from different forms.
Read MoreTypes Of Brain Stroke
Stroke is medically known as a cerebrovascular accident. It is a medical emergency condition wherein the supply of blood in the brain is reduced because of various reasons, thereby causing deprivation of oxygen and nutrients in brain tissues.
Read MoreSlipped Disc
The human spine is made of 33 vertebrae. Out of these 33 vertebrae, top 24 vertebrae are separated by 23 intervertebral discs. Discs are made of cartilage and composed of two different and well-defined regions.
Read MoreDealing with problems of the spine
The human body is structures in such a way that our back bone or vertebral column has a significant role to play in the determining how our body functions. This is because it is our vertebral column which helps us.
Read MoreUnderstanding Spine Surgery From Spine Surgeon In Gurgaon
The spine or vertebral column in the human body comprises of two components. The bony vertebrae, which forms almost a tunnel like structure, and the spinal cord that runs through it. Therefore it is this bony structure.
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Parkinson’s disease is said to be a degenerative disease of the central nervous system, which mainly affects the motor system in the body. A degenerative disease.
Read MoreSeeking specialist neurological help
When most people hear the word neurology, it sends their minds wondering towards the most serious diagnosis that people can think of. It is important for people to understand that not all neurological conditions are life threatening and that most of them can be completely.
Read MoreTreatment for your neurological conditions
When it comes to seeking treatment from a specialist consultant, most people are apprehensive to take the first step. Because they are always worried about the consequences that may ensue.
Read MoreTreating tumors in the base of the skull
The base of the skull is that part of your head on which your brain lies. It is made of multiple bones which are fused together with sutures. It is a complex region of the brain, because all the blood vessels supplying the brain.
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